One thing many of us parents of toddlers are dealing with is how best to discipline. Whew, what an undertaking!! It seems the best way is a mix of things, based on the brevity and pre-meditation of the young offender's offense. We started off with the hand thump for Jesse, and have since moved on to the naughty chair and the occasional spanking. I had, however, an opportunity to resort to another way the other week, and it left an impression on our little woman. Our land lord has a batch of beagle pups up the drive near the barn, and we visit them almost daily. Well, Jesse has been learning gentleness, but needless to say, the excitment of squirming pups got to her, and she dropped one on it's back, sending it yelping to the mommy dog. I had been telling Jesse to listen and be gentle, so in reaction to her roughness I gave her hand a quick smack. Then, for the next week (at least) every time we saw the puppies Jesse would talk about the incident, sounding something like: "we see the puppies, I didn't listen, momma spanked my hand..." I'm sure even now if you asked her about it you'd hear the story recited with gusto. Oh yeah, she is much better with the beagles.
So, after you readers enjoy these pics of a trip to see with pups with our friends TL and Marygene, send a comment on how you are taming (or attempting to tame) your little ones - Godly wisdom, passed along blog-stlye.