the latest development to galvanize my dream of a sustainable farm is the discovery of the Weston A. Price foundation website. Dr. Price was a dentist in the early 19th century that decided to study native/indigenous people groups to understand why their cranial and facial development was superior, resulting in stronger, healthier, straighter teeth, naturally. He discovered that ALL of these groups consumed large amounts of Saturated Fats, that is animal fats. They also understood the benefits of raw milk and the consumption of vitamins A and D in the form of liver oil. Of these groups, those that had recently started consuming "western" diets of processed foods, their facial and dental structures suffered along with their overall health within as little as one generation.
The website is filled with studies that are largely overlooked by modern medicine and dentistry, as well as commentaries on the relationship between farming, health, the econcomy, big business, and how we got to where we are. The idea that our health is directly related to nutrition, not the "pyramid" of genetically engineered, extruded grains; hormone/antibiotic riddled meat; irradiated and "preserved" fruits and vegetables; and skim-milk (which used to be exclusively for the pigs) that has been ultrapasteurized and homogenized, has somehow been lost on the modern West. And that's just the food at the supermarket, to say nothing of the methods of growing and raising these foods, and the efforts of government agencies to support the degeneration of our food and land in the name of "health".
Needless to say, we've all added cod liver oil to our diets now and we're drinking non-homogenized milk, at least until we can find a raw milk provider, or get a jersey of our own. we are buying grass-fed, grass-finished beef, using lots of real butter, and thankfully going back to lard for cooking.
We are also spending a lot more money on food, which for me is a very difficult. But i've thought long and hard along these lines and if an ounce of prevention equals a pound of lard and a spoonful of cod liver oil, then i'm okay not spending all my money (in deductibles) on the "cures".
Ok! I just figured out how to post comments on these bad boys. I LOVE your blog, it's my homepage so everyday I anticipate breaking news from the Harpers. Keep us posted! I miss you guys a ton, what I wouldn't give for some of Corrie's tea and an hour on your front porch...
I want to post a comment, too. Let me just say, "We miss you." I love the pics of the kiddos. Korrie looks beautiful, as always. And Lee, I LOVE the photo of you and Jesse and very-pregnant-Korrie. Why do I love that photo? Because I think you are 10 times more handsome with short hair. I'm sure your wife would not agree, and I know you feel more like yourself with flowing locks, but the honest opinion of a good friend must count for something, yes? Did you know that Daniel is flying to Wilmore for graduation? Five days before the due date of his second child! Nothing like living on the edge. I only wish I could come, too. We love you tons! Blessings. Kayla
Hi Korrie!
I just found your blog thru Joy's!! It is so great to see your beautiful face and your gorgeous kids and hubby!!
my blog is
I am loving reading about your life and would love to hear from you!!
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