Thursday, December 22, 2016

the Flight of Time

Six years ago . . . a seemingly simple post of a mustache (below) launched our family on a great adventure. Two month's from that post we were living in Shreveport, LA. My years of wandering had become years of wondering, and yet when the time was right the Lord opened many doors and laid out the path before us. The night we arrived at the little house on Delaware St, we met many people that would become our dearest friends. I count the five years we spent in NW Louisiana as some of the best in my life. I finally found a job that I loved; we bought a house with land and got chickens; my youngest three sons were born; we had an amazing church community and friendships to last a lifetime. And then, last fall, we found our path was taking a turn; the Lord had a new direction for us. We've been in Georgia for a year now, living just North of Atlanta. It has been a difficult, but good year; full of tears and laughter. Every great adventure has it's turns and twists, perilous obstacles, setbacks, victories, and unexpected characters that change the course; and ours is no exception.