Tuesday, February 13, 2007

My Son

The other day i was driving to work, thinking about being away from my kids, wondering what they were doing while i was gone. my mind drifted to thoughts about being a father. sometimes reality hits you when you're unaware. things dawn on you, things you already knew, thought about, realized; you just realize them anew. being the father of a daughter is something i'm getting used to, learning about and enjoying. being father to a son is still freaking me out. he's wonderful, happy, smiley, talkative and strong. Ezekiel means "God strengthens" or "Whom God makes strong."
there are times when i am paralyzed by all the mistakes i could make, but most of the time i'm just in awe, thankful and excited about raising a boy and helping him become a man.
i feel an even closer kinship with my own father. i want to honor him and the way he raised me, helped me become a man. i pray, not enough, but i pray that the Lord makes me a good father, gives me wisdom and patience in raising my kids. it's too early to talk about the differences in raising a girl and a boy, but it feels different; scares me in different ways, makes me happy in different ways.

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