Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Jesse is Two!

We celebrated in simple fashion at Jesse's second birthday party on Jan. 12th. The only invitees to attend were the Rapach's. Abby and Jesse had a blast together as usual and both enjoyed their turn at the "mine" game.

in two short/long years we've become pros at the diaper table and i consider myself an expert at "doing things with one hand while holding the baby." we've seen our patience grow, our nerves fray, our resolve strengthen and our hair gray. we've also fallen in love a thousand times with our daughter. everyday an adventure, everyday a trial.
years ago, as i imagined the family i might one day have and knowing i wanted a lot of kids, i always pictured myself having a boy first (ideally to alternate boy/girl). when we went to that fateful doctor's visit for the ultrasound, i just knew in my heart we were having a boy. even when i saw the images on the monitor, i just knew i saw male parts. but then she exclaimed, "it's a girl!" i did a double-take, and asked if she was sure. She, of course, replied she had a 100% track-record at reading ultrasounds, yet i was unconvinced. i prayed and wrestled with God for about a week. "a girl?" "a girl first?" i told myself it was for Korrie. i told myself it was so she could help with the other kids. God knew it was for me. . .now i know it was for me. God also refused to answer my prayers for a job, so i stayed at home. for a year and a half i was a Stay at Home Dad with Jesse. it was tough, in more ways than one, but it gave me a bond with Jesse i might not otherwise have had, and that i cherish. she is a beautiful, wonderful girl; a daughter of the Most High, and i get the privilege of being her Daddy.

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