Saturday, April 19, 2008


Hello again everyone. . . anyone?
we're still here, and we have internet at the house now, so to celebrate i'm updating the blog.
i'm a bit out of practice and behind the times, but i'm glad to see your blogs again finally.
Korrie and Jesse are having a sleepover at MaryGene's house, so it's just me and Zeke tonight, and he's off in la la land now, so here i sit. No big news as of late, Korrie has a couple weeks to go yet, but she's at the point where sooner would be better than later. Zeke is a nemo nut, worse than Jesse ever was with babe. Jesse still has bernadette, we're just chicken i guess to get rid of it, but it has to happen soon. it's one of those things where no time seems like a good time. she thanked Jesus for it the other night at bedtime prayers. still ironing out names for the little one to come, Clementine will be one, either first or middle, we're not sure yet. i for one am so glad it's finally warming up, and drying up; cold and wet isn't a happy thought for anyone, but it's doubly tough on delivery work.
holding down the wilmore fort. more to come.

1 comment:

Candace said...

Woo-Hoo!!!! Good to have you back, Harpers!!