Saturday, April 26, 2008

The Passing of Bernadette

Korrie here...Well, the deed has finally been done! After months of talking about mailing Jesse's precious addiction, Bernadette the pacifier, to France and my friend Shalimar, action took place on the 21rst! I think the anticipation of the event was just as dreadful to me as a parent (thus the delay) as it was to Jesse. Even so, Jesse helped paint a box for the package, and marched bravely into the post office with me to mail it off. The postal worker congratulated her, and when we got back outside to Lee waiting in the car, Jesse ran up to the window to yell, "Daddy, I did it!!" Needless to say, the glee felt then wore off rather quickly that night, and I was up with her, oh, about 3 or 4 times to comfort her and try to get her mind off of the missing friend. We prayed about it a lot, the occasional wild angry thrashing stopped (pretty scary, folks), and sleep came. Since then Jesse has only cried for it a couple of times, and continues to be proud of herself and her truly attained "big girl" status. I am very glad this chapter is over, but there's a small part of me sad to see it go, sad that it means Jesse really is bigger, and time is ever passing. Here's to Bernadette: may she live a full life in France, eating crepes with chocolate and sipping cafe au lait with Shalimar! :-)
Now, what about Zeke's thumb...

1 comment:

Candace said...

What a big girl! We're so proud of you, Jesse!
And yeah, how do you overcome the thumb-sucking? Our Zeke loves his as well. Must be a Zeke thing. :)